DESIRE (2014)

by Natalie Hennedige


Genre: Drama | Running Time: 74min | Languages: English | Country: Singapore

Desire is a supermarket cashier, day in and out she scans and bags items. Everyday she encounters different people at the checkout counter. She likes the fact that no one takes much notice of her, that way she can observe life as an outsider. In touch but not involved. She is after all tired of her own life. Life has been too hard since her brother’s sickness and she needs a break from her life. Instead, she likes to imagine the lives that other people live by looking at the things they buy. Desire is the central character. We encounter all the other characters through her perspective and imagination. The movie imbues the lives of these characters with quirkiness, giving a surreal turn and blurring the lines between what is real and what is imagined.

Release Date: 30 March 2014


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